Mahayana and Hinayana are terms used to refer to two main sects of Buddhism. Also known as Northern Buddhism, Mahayana is usually associated with Sanskrit, the classical language of India, China, and Tibet. Hinayana canons are usually written in Pali, which is used in Laos, Burma, and Myanmar. While both Mayahana and Hinayana are divisions …
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OVERVIEW: The maṇḍala is a symbolic figure that is used in the practice of Tantric Buddhism, a form of Buddhism that specializes in ritual art and visual mediation. The word maṇḍala originates from the Sanskrit word for circle, and the majority of maṇḍalas have a circular shape that contains intricate patterns. These patterns represent a …
Overview A mantra (typically translated from Sanskrit as “spell,” “charm,” or “magic formula”) is a sacred utterance or syllable that is contemplated or recited which is believed to be highly charged and powerful (Coop 1). While mantras are typically uttered, chanted, or contemplated in Sanskrit, they do not necessarily have a semantic meaning and their …
Milarepa was a greatly revered Tibetan yogin, considered an early founder of the Kagyu (Bka’ brgyud) sect of Tibetan Buddhism but esteemed throughout the Tibetan cultural world as an exemplar of religious dedication, perseverance through hardship, and meditative mastery. The most famous account of his life The Life of Milarepa (Mi la ras pa’i rnam thar) and …